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August 12, 2024

Mondaire Jones led the charge, with “Squad” member Cori Bush, in 2021 to let cop-killers, rapists, and murderers vote from prison.

CONTACT: [email protected]

Pearl River, NY – 8/12/2024… Today, the Lawler for Congress campaign and law enforcement unions from across the Hudson Valley and New York City released the following statement slamming Mondaire Jones for leading the charge to let cop-killers vote from prison while serving their prison sentences. Jones voted for his amendment on the House Floor, as did Hakeem Jeffries.

The measure, co-authored by Jones in the 117th Congress, would have let all prisoners vote regardless of the crime committed. This would have included the criminals behind the 1981 Brink’s Robbery in Rockland County and dozens of cop-killers in New York’s prisons today. Mondaire Jones even went so far as to say that not letting cop killers vote from jail was a “form of slavery.”

In contrast, Congressman Mike Lawler introduced legislation in the State Assembly that would have ensured cop-killers don’t qualify for parole and has the support of most law enforcement unions. Lawler also voted against a similar measure to Jones’ in the State Legislature.

“Extremist Mondaire Jones is so radical that he wants to let cop-killers, child rapists, and murderers vote from prison,” said Lawler for Congress spokesman Chris Russell. “In 2021, fresh off the heels of his defund-the-police 2020 campaign, Mondaire Jones again doubled down on extremism, co-authoring an amendment to the For the People Act, H.R.1, which would have allowed all criminals, regardless of the crime committed, to vote from prison.”

“From trying to defund the police, blaming them for ‘white supremacy,’ to even letting those that kill cops vote, it’s clear Mondaire Jones can’t be trusted with any seat in public office ever again,” concluded Russell. “Voters in the Hudson Valley will make that overwhelmingly clear this November when they reject radical Mondaire Jones and his divisive, extreme ideology once and for all.”

“Cop killers and murderers are some of the most heinous and dangerous criminals. Their actions devastate families and cause unimaginable heartbreak,” said Vincent J. Vallelong, President of the NYC Sergeants Benevolent Association. “I cannot imagine how any elected official could justify allowing them to vote from prison. It defies logic and is an affront to all common sensibilities.”

“It’s appalling that former Congressman Mondaire Jones believes convicted felons, including cop-killers and murderers, deserve the right to vote from prison. For Rockland County, it’s especially disgusting. This amendment by Mondaire Jones would have given the terrorists who committed the 1981 Brink’s Robbery and those who killed Paula Bohovesky, a sixteen-year-old Pearl River girl, the right to vote from behind bars,” stated Larry Ayers, President of the Rockland County PBA, and Pat Casey, Public Information Officer of the Rockland County PBA. “It’s wrong, it serves no legitimate purpose other than political pandering, and it’s exactly why Rockland County needs to send extremist Mondaire Jones packing this  November.”

“Mondaire Jones’ decision to introduce and vote for legislation that would allow cop-killers, terrorists, and serial killers, like the Son of Sam, to vote from prison is a perfect example of how radical he really is. It’s bad enough that he wants to defund the police and call us racist, but now he wants to let those who kill our brothers and sisters in the line of duty vote? Disgusting,” said Keith Olson, President of the Associated Police Associations of Westchester. “All Hudson Valley voters should reject Mondaire Jones’ extremism at the ballot box this November. If he can’t stand up to cop-killers, how on earth can we expect him to stand up for anything in Washington?”



July 29, 2024

CONTACT: [email protected]

Pearl River, NY – 7/29/2024… Today, Congressman Mike Lawler announced the endorsement of the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers Local Union 5, coming on the heels of dozens of other endorsements by labor unions from across the Hudson Valley.

“We are happy to bestow on you the endorsement of Boilermakers Local 5,” said Tom Ryan, Business Manager, Treasurer, and Secretary of the Boilermakers Local 5. “As a member of the United States Congress Apprenticeship Caucus and Building Trades Caucus, you have stood with the organized men and women of the Hudson Valley.”

“You have strong ties with the building and construction trades local unions, going back to your time of service in the New York State Assembly,” concluded Ryan. “We are happy to join the endorsement of the Rockland County Building and Construction Trades Council.”

“I’m deeply honored to have the support of the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers Local Union 5,” stated Congressman Mike Lawler. “This endorsement is another indication that we’re building a broad, strong coalition of labor support in New York’s 17th District – in stark contrast to my opponent.”

“While in Congress, I’ve fought to deliver tens of millions in federal funding for local projects that will create good-paying, middle-class jobs for the members in the Boilermakers Local Union 5 and other unions,” Lawler added. “I’m honored to partner with the men and women of organized labor and to have their support, and I’ll never stop fighting for those that are the backbone of the Hudson Valley economy.”


In addition to the Boilermakers Local 5, Congressman Lawler has also been endorsed by the IBEW Local Union 363, Teamsters Local 456, North Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters (NASRCC), Sheet Metal Workers (SMART) Local Union 38, Association of Flight Attendants (AFA), Laborers’ International Union of North America (LiUNA) New York, Laborers Local 754, Affiliated Police Associations (APA) of Westchester, NYS Supreme Court Officers Association, NYC Sergeants Benevolent Association (SBA), Policemen’s Benevolent Association of Westchester County, Inc., New York 10-13 Association, Superior Officers Association Retired (SOAR) NYPD, and Westchester County Correction Officers Benevolent Association.


July 16, 2024

Barely 48 hours after the attempted assassination of former President Trump, Mondaire Jones doubles down on “threats to democracy” language.

Pearl River, NY – 7/16/2024… Today, the Lawler for Congress campaign released the following statement after Mondaire Jones doubled down on rhetoric labeling former President Donald Trump and Vice Presidential Candidate J.D. Vance as “threats to democracy” despite an assassination attempt on former President Trump barely 48 hours earlier.

This comes despite a broad consensus and calls from President Joe Bidenformer President Barack Obama, and voices on both sides of the political aisle to tone down the rhetoric and stop viewing political opponents as enemies. And just today, news broke that there is an existing Iranian plot to assassinate former President Trump.

“For Mondaire Jones to double down on divisive and inflammatory rhetoric painting political opponents as enemies barely 48 hours after former President Trump was nearly assassinated shows how unfit for office Mondaire Jones really is,” said Lawler for Congress spokesman Chris Russell.  “Despite widespread calls for a return to civility and a toning down of the rhetoric, including by President Biden and former President Barack Obama, Mondaire Jones has continued to show his true radical nature. Jones’ extremism is why his campaign is imploding, yet he can’t seem to help himself. He should immediately apologize.”

Russell said Jones’ words and actions stand in stark contrast to Congressman Lawler’s bipartisan work to increase Secret Service protections for President Biden, former President Trump, and RFK Jr. this week. They also are the opposite of what members of Mondaire Jones’ own party, including Congressman Jared Golden, are saying publicly.

“While Mondaire Jones attempts to incite violence against his political opponents, Congressman Lawler is actually working in a bipartisan way with Congressman Ritchie Torres to protect President Biden, former President Trump, and RFK Jr. on the campaign trail,” concluded Russell. “Shame on Mondaire Jones for his extreme rhetoric – it’s no wonder why voters in the Hudson Valley rejected him.”

CONTACT: [email protected]



July 9, 2024
After days of ducking questions, Lawler for Congress Campaign calls on Mondaire Jones to break his silence and say whether or not he’ll vote for President Joe Biden at the DNC Convention in August

CONTACT: [email protected]

Pearl River, NY – 7/9/2024… Today, the Lawler for Congress campaign released the following statement after Mondaire Jones repeatedly refused to answer whether he thinks Joe Biden should remain at the top of the Democratic ticket. This comes despite Jones’ status as a delegate to the DNC Convention, who should be pledged to vote for Joe Biden.

Jones has refused to answer questions about Biden’s candidacy and ongoing support for the President from Politico, Spectrum News, the New York Post, and the Times Union.

“By this point, it should surprise absolutely no one that Mondaire Jones is willing to stab President Biden in the back to try and save his own skin,” said Lawler for Congress spokesman Chris Russell. Despite voting with the President over 99% of the time in Congress and calling him the ‘best President in modern American history,’  Mondaire Jones now won’t say if Joe Biden should even be running, if he’s mentally and physically up to the job, or if he still supports his candidacy.”

“Mondaire Jones only cares about Mondaire Jones. Just ask Jamaal Bowman, and now, Joe Biden,” concluded Russell. “If Mondaire Jones won’t even stand up for his friends, how can anyone expect him to stand up for residents of the 17th District in Congress?”



July 8, 2024

Lawler’s campaign enters the home stretch of the election cycle with nearly $4 million cash-on-hand, in pole position to win reelection in NY-17

CONTACT: [email protected]

Pearl River, NY… The Lawler for Congress campaign released the following statement after posting its strongest fundraising quarter of the cycle, bringing in over $1.53 million in the second quarter, bringing his total raised for the cycle to over $5.62 million. Coupled with nearly $4 million in cash-on-hand heading into the last four months of the campaign and coming on the heels of Mondaire Jones’ embarrassing loss of the Working Families Party line, Congressman Lawler is well-positioned to win reelection this November.

“Congressman Lawler is in pole position to win reelection in New York’s 17th District after posting his largest fundraising quarter yet,” said Lawler for Congress spokesman Chris Russell. “We will take nothing for granted, but with over $1.53 million raised and nearly $4 million in cash-on-hand after the critical deadline, we feel very confident about Mike’s strong position heading into the November election.”

“Congressman Lawler’s radical opponent, Mondaire Jones, is a self-described ‘socialist,’ called for defunding the police, embraced open borders, and supported dangerous cashless bail laws, putting together one of the partisan and extreme voting records in the entire House,” continued Russell. “On the other hand, Congressman Lawler has been rated the 4th-most bipartisan lawmaker in the House, has delivered tens of millions in federal dollars to Hudson Valley towns, and is piling up endorsements from law enforcement groups and labor unions who appreciate his common sense approach to governing and problem solving. The contrast could not be more clear.”


Rep. Mike Lawler, Assemblyman Matt Slater, State Senate Candidate Gina Arena, and Town Supervisor Mike Cazzari Condemn Senator Peter Harckham’s False Claims on Battery Storage Legislation

June 14, 2024

Contact: [email protected]

Carmel, NY – June 14, 2024 … Today, Congressman Mike Lawler, Assemblyman Matt Slater, State Senate Candidate Gina Arena, and Town Supervisor Mike Cazzari released a joint statement condemning State Senator Peter Harckham for spreading falsehoods regarding his controversial battery storage legislation (S7834) and its implications for local control.

A recent op-ed by State Senator Harckham misled the public and distorted the facts surrounding his bill that sought to remove local input on battery storage projects across New York State. Harckham’s bill would have transferred control of local zoning decisions to unelected bureaucrats in Albany, undermining the autonomy and voice of local communities.

Town Supervisor Mike Cazzari emphasized, “The residents of Carmel and Somers raise valid concerns regarding the environmental and safety implications of the proposed battery storage facility. The ORES legislation circumvents local input and rushes these projects without thorough examination. We staunchly oppose any actions undermining local governance and remain committed to advocating for our communities’ right to participate in decisions impacting them directly.”

“Senator Harckham’s attempt to mislead the public is disappointing,” said Congressman Mike Lawler. “His bill was a blatant effort to strip away local control and push through battery storage projects without proper consideration for the concerns of residents, and now he’s lying about the purpose of the legislation – it’s frustrating that Harckham, similar to Mondaire Jones, is resorting to lies in an effort to score political points.”

Assemblyman Matt Slater emphasized the importance of local control, stating, “As a former town supervisor, I understand the critical role that local control plays in maintaining the quality of life in our communities. Senator Harckham’s legislation is an attack on local control and his attempt to paint it as anything else is an outright lie. The residents of Mahopac and Somers deserve better.”

State Senate Candidate Gina Arena also criticized Harckham’s misleading statements, saying, “Senator Harckham’s op-ed is nothing more than a desperate attempt to save face after his bill rightfully failed. His proposal ignored the legitimate concerns of local residents and sought to centralize power in Albany. By pulling his name off the bill, he tacitly admitted its flaws, but now he tries to mislead the public about its intent. This type of political double-talk is unacceptable.”

New York’s 17th Congressional District is just north of New York City and contains all or parts of Rockland, Putnam, Dutchess, and Westchester Counties.



June 11, 2024

During interview, Mondaire Jones admits his radical views “haven’t changed”, that he still wants support from the far-left Working Families Party and will push extremism in Congress

CONTACT: [email protected]

Pearl River, NY – 6/11/2024… Mondaire Jones admitting that his radical “values haven’t changed” and that he still wants support from the far-left WFP, was the most honest thing he’s said in a week, charged the Lawler for Congress campaign today.

“Mondaire Jones was one of the most hyperpartisan, radical voices in Congress during his one-term in DC, and his admission that nothing has changed was the first honest thing he said all week,” said Lawler for Congress spokesman Chris Russell, pointing to Jones’ ranking 381st out of 435 members for partisanship according to the Lugar Center and Georgetown University.  “During an interview with the Times Union, Jones admitted he still supports far-left policies like Medicare for All, the Green New Deal, stacking the Supreme Court, and, one can only assume, Defunding the Police and ICE.”

Russell said Jones’ campaign is in free fall – alienating his radical base while exposing himself as a true phony to everyone else.

“Mondaire Jones has twisted himself into so many knots this past week that he might as well change his campaign logo to a pretzel,” concluded Russell. “It’s already clear to everyone in NY-17 and across the country that Mondaire Jones is, has been, and will always be a far-left, radical politician. Just look at his votes in Congress and the positions he’s taken for years. Absent a time machine, there’s nothing he can do to run from that record.”



June 7, 2024

Report reveals that Sean Patrick Maloney, chair of the DCCC, offered to let Mondaire Jones run in NY-17, and Jones declined, opting for a potential primary against Jamaal Bowman instead.

CONTACT: [email protected]

Pearl River, NY – 6/7/2024… Today, the Lawler for Congress Campaign blasted Mondaire Jones for a damning, exclusive report in City & State that revealed Mondaire Jones chose to abandon the 17th Congressional District despite being offered the chance to run for his own seat in NY-17.

“There you have it folks, Mondaire Jones chose to abandon NY-17 in 2022, even after Sean Patrick Maloney offered to let Jones stay and fight for his seat,” said Lawler for Congress spokesman Chris Russell.  “Instead, Mondaire turned tail and ran away to New York City, because even he knew his views were too extreme to win in the Hudson Valley.”

Russell called on Jones to come clean about his abandonment of the 17th District in 2022.

“While NY-17 is much better off being represented by Congressman Lawler, who is one of the most bipartisan, successful members of Congress, it is time for Mondaire Jones to come clean and admit that he abandoned his constituents in NY-17 for his own personal and political gain,” concluded Russell. “The residents of New York’s 17th Congressional District deserve a member of Congress who will stand and fight for the Hudson Valley, and it’s clear that Mondaire Jones isn’t up for the job.”


Mike Lawler backs federal bill to ban parole for killers of sex assault victims under 18

June 6, 2024

By Nancy Cutler

Two notorious Hudson Valley murders decades ago have fostered another push to extend a federal parole ban for anyone who sexually assaulted and killed a child.

U.S. Rep. Mike Lawler has introduced HR 8587 in the House that would extend a current law that bans parole if the victim is 14 or under to excluding any chance of parole if a victim is under age 18.

The bill carries two names familiar with Rockland County in New York and Bergen County in New Jersey:

  • Paula Bohovesky, who was 16 when she was killed as she walked home from her after-high school job at the Pearl River Library. She was beaten and stabbed by two men who spent the day drinking in a local bar. The 1980 murder took place a block from Paula’s house.
  • Joan D’Alessandro, a 7-year-old who was selling Girl Scout cookies in her Hillsdale, New Jersey, neighborhood. She was sexually attacked and murdered in the spring of 1973 by her neighbor, a teacher at Tappan Zee High School. Her body was found days later at the edge of Harriman State Park in Stony Point. 

The bill is similar to one Lawler, a Republican who now represents the 17th District in the U.S. House of Representatives, pushed in New York when he was a member of the state Assembly. That legislation did not advance.

Expands existing federal codes

The federal legislation would add to existing federal code that bans parole for anyone who sexually assaults and kills a victim who is under age 14. The bill would add: “or if the victim has not attained the age of 18 years if the charge involved a sexual offense.”

For decades now, New York and New Jersey have had versions of Joan’s Law, which bans parole if a victim age 14 and under is sexually assaulted and killed. In New Jersey, unlike New York, Joan’s Law was updated in 2017 to address victims under 18.

A similar bill hasn’t been introduced in the U.S. Senate. In the House, the bill is now in the Judicial Committee.

The cases now

Even though New Jersey had enacted Joan’s Law in 1997 and expanded it in 2017, the little girl’s killer could still continue seeking parole.

John McGowan was a chemistry teacher at Tappan Zee High School. Joan, a 7-year-old Girl Scout, went to sell him cookies at his house, just across the way from the D’Alessandro home in a tight-knit Hillsdale, New Jersey neighborhood. He grabbed her and she was dead within minutes. That was on Holy Thursday. McGowan then drove up to Stony Point and dumped her body at the edge of Harriman State Park. Her body was discovered on Easter Sunday.

“The bipartisan Paula Bohovesky and Joan D’Alessandro Act will put in place penalties at the federal level that will ensure no family has to endure the pain of seeing their child’s tormentor released from prison,” Lawler said in a statement.

A similar bill hasn’t been introduced in the U.S. Senate. In the House, the bill is now in the Judicial Committee.

The cases now

Even though New Jersey had enacted Joan’s Law in 1997 and expanded it in 2017, the little girl’s killer could still continue seeking parole.

John McGowan was a chemistry teacher at Tappan Zee High School. Joan, a 7-year-old Girl Scout, went to sell him cookies at his house, just across the way from the D’Alessandro home in a tight-knit Hillsdale, New Jersey neighborhood. He grabbed her and she was dead within minutes. That was on Holy Thursday. McGowan then drove up to Stony Point and dumped her body at the edge of Harriman State Park. Her body was discovered on Easter Sunday.

McGowan is one of four killers profiled in the book “The Killer Across The Table,” written by John Douglas and Mark Olshaker. They also wrote the popular book “Mindhunter,” which is the basis for a Netflix series of the same name. Even though he had killed just once, the authors firmly believed McGowan was a serial killer who just lacked opportunity.

Numerous parole attempts failed before McGowan died in prison in June 2021. He was due for another parole attempt in 2025.

Bohovesky’s two convicted killers made parole:

  • Robert LaBarbera had originally been paroled in 2019, but was back in prison less than three weeks later after authorities learned he violated his parole by getting drunk. He was paroled again in 2020, under New York City supervision. Now 71, he was discharged from parole in July 2023.
  • Richard McCain was paroled in 2021. Now 63, he remains under parole supervision in New Rochelle.

“I’m more afraid for all the young women walking around,” Lois Bohovesky said in 2021, reflecting on both killers’ release. “If they did it again, my God!”

New York, California are ‘dumpster fires’ under Democrat leadership: Rep. Mike Lawler

June 5, 2024

Fox Business